Who are we?
Here are the answers we give to the questions we are usually asked for concerning this letter.
Who are the originators of the letter?
The originators of this letter are ex-Muslims with some of their friends, exasperated, not only by the widespread Islamic talk within the Church, whose Pope is the outstanding person in charge, but also for not having received any answer, not even an acknowledgement to the letters they have sent him on that subject.
How did you meet yourselves? Are you all French or from different countries?
We are not all French and we met ourselves through various ways, even through social networks.
Are the originators of this letter part of an association? If they are, what is the name of this association? Do you have a leader or a chairman? Do you have priests or bishops acting as references?
Many of us are members of registered associations, which support ex-Muslims and/or evangelize Muslims. They are so few that you do not need a long time to find them on the web. We have neither leader nor chairman, except Jesus Christ, for whom we have accepted to lose everything. And there are, in fact, too few priests to support us.
Do you know how many ex-Muslims have signed the letter?
Presently, we do not know yet. As we have explained in the presentation of our letter, ex-Muslims, who know they are condemned to death by Islam, try, generally, not to make themselves known. So, the names of the ex-Muslims signatories and, eventually the names of the associations they belong to, will be revealed only to the Holy Father, in case he asks them.
How many signatures do you want to collect before delivering the petition to the Pope?
Your petition is similar to the “Correction filialis” (http://wwwcorrectiofilialisorg/it/) which has been done and signed by priests, theologians and bishops. Instead, you have decided to open it up, limitless, to all the faithful. Why? Don’t you think that your petition might appear less valid or less serious?
We think that it is not necessary to be a recognized theologian to acknowledge the demoniac nature of Islam, and that anybody having some sense may understand, even if he has not the faith, that you can’t serve both Church and Islam, or the Christ and the Antichrist.
Don’t you think it might be presumptuous for the faithful to pretend to correct the Pope?
It is a good question. If “for God judges everyone by the same standard (Rm 2.11)” shouldn’t we not imitate him? And this, ever, especially since «in case of imminent peril to the faith, inferiors must publicly correct their superiors. That is the reason why Saint Paul, who was inferior to saint Peter, publicly corrected him, because there was a danger of scandal as far as the faith was concerned. And it is said in saint Augustin’s gloss (ex Epist. 19) of this passage: saint Peter taught by his example to those of the front rank, that, if they happened to veer off the right path, they should not be embarrassed to be corrected by those below them (Saint Thomas d’Aquinas Theological Sum, 11-11 Q. 33 a.4)”.
Do you think that the Church should abandon the interreligious dialogue with Islam? Should the Church fight Islam?
What dialogue with Islam? What relationship, in fact, between justice and impiety? What link between light and darkness? What understanding between Christ and Satan? What association between the faithful and the unfaithful? (2 Co § 11-15). Of course, the Church must fight Islam, to guarantee its survival and the salvation of its children, as well as of those who are still Muslims. Because Islam threatens them directly, for its mission is to destroy them and take their place (Coran 2.193, 9.30) who may come after Christ if not Antichrist?
In your letter, you beg the Pope to make a “frank and just speech” on Islam. What would you like to hear from the Pope?
That he tells the truth about Islam, or, failing that, that he keeps silent!
What would be the consequences of the Pope’s attitude towards Islam?
Did Jesus indicate any other way than the Cross?
In your letter, it seems that you accuse the Pope of willing to Islamize Europe. Does the Pope contribute to European islamization? If so, why do you assume this?
For several reasons : 1) By asserting falsehoods concerning Islam, such as if he had wanted to let Islam appear sympathetic and kind 2) By encouraging the invasion of the West by illegal’s of Muslim denomination, in disobedience to an apostolic order (2 Jn 1 10-11).
In your opinion, why is the Pope so accommodating with Islam? Why, in your opinion, (as you wrote it) does he propose the Coran as a way of salvation?
This is a profound mystery for us.
Violence is in the Coran? Is Islam a violent religion?
You just have to read the Coran, Mohammed’s life and to consider Islamic history to be convinced. Jesus announced that a time shall come when those who would kill Christians would believe they worship God (Jn 16.2). In what other religion than Islam is taught to hate (Coran 60.4) to death of Christians (Coran 9. 30)?
Do you wish the return of Pope Benedict XVI?
What will you do if the Pope does not change his attitude towards Islam?
We shall continue suffering and apologizing to God for him, still hoping for a Pope in accordance with His Heart.
Are you ready to leave the Catholic Church?
In your letter, you criticize the Pope for his position on migration. (Are you all European ex-Muslims?) Why would immigration be dangerous for Europe?
Those of us who are not native of Europe would not have found abnormal or unfortunate to have to abandon Islam in order to enter Europe.
According to you, should Christians or the Church try to convert Muslims?
All those who do not try to convert, one way or the other, will have to account for the damnation of Muslims they should have saved, and for their own damnation they have deserved because of their cowardice (Ap 21.2)
In your letter you wrote that «kindness to Islam is a betrayal”. Do you think that the Pope betrays the Church?
May we think that kindness to Islam is not a betrayal? Who said: “He who does not assemble up with me, disperses»?
Giuseppe De Lorenzo / IlGiornale.it